
We provide professional pet sitting, and dog walking in Glastonbury, CT

Linda’s Critter Sitters, LLC provides professional pet sitting, dog walking, and overnight stays in client homes, in Glastonbury and South Glastonbury.

We also offer pet CPR, First Aid & Care classes anywhere in Connecticut


We look forward to providing you with excellent service and your pets with the best care possible while you’re away!

cat and dog sitter Glastonbury, CT


Whether you’re leaving town for a weekend or an extended vacation, let us care for your cats and small pets while you’re away. Our in-home visits allow them to stay in familiar surroundings, with one-on-one attention from their personal pet sitter!

Glastonbury dog walker


When you call on us for daily dog walking, your dog will get out for a much needed walk around your neighborhood. The exercise, fresh air, and change of scenery will give your dog a boost mentally and physically.

pet first aid class Glastonbury

Pet First Aid

 We are trained in pet first aid, and want you to be, too! Take our pet first aid class and learn how to help your cat or dog in an emergency. Being prepared means your pet will have a better chance at recovering in case of an emergency.

Glastonbury, CT pet sitter

Our Pet Sitters are:

  • Bonded and Insured
  • Background Checked
  • Trained in Pet CPR & First Aid
  • Experienced in pet care


We Accept all Major Credit Cards!

For the best in care for your feathered, finned and furry friends!
Call Us Today: 860-657-8653

pet sitter insurance
pet sitters international
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